Wednesday, April 18, 2007

artist statement ideas

Materials I use

Wood and exterior materials
Found objects
Colored pencil
Paper ( bookmaking)

I make art through experimenting with different media and with what works, how different surfaces adhere to other surfaces, sewing, coloring, speaking through my own language of patterns

Triangles within triangles, loud and bold colors, also colors that create atmosphere, and historical elements appear in my art repeatedly. Politics appears in my art, socio-economic issues, architectural elements, interior design, linear Japanese elements of design,

I like creating my art because It allows me to express myself, to learn how to do new things, to meet new people, to figure things out on my own, keeps my mind busy all the time, makes me excited to be doing, and be so busy, It is a chance for me to excel, It allows me to research, through this I find the things about life that interest me as well as new things that I never even knew about__ all making me a more well rounded person, more interesting to myself. I like creating my art because Its something about myself that I can contribute to my world, even if just one other person understands the importance or sees the beauty, at least I touched someone, every time I do, I am making a connection to my world, and I am living in the moment for myself and my well being.

My most recent work: what makes it exciting is that it is so intricately beautiful and primitive and yet so machine-like and strict in an architectural sense. I am expressing myself in patterns, not words that can be construed and misunderstood. My language has very clear words to convey and definitive opinions and yet you perceive it from your own viewpoint, my patterns react just like a good listener who can always see the opposite side of the argument or be bettered from the contribution of others. What’s also exciting about my most recent work is that I am making math accessible to myself, whereas it was a very intimidating subject to approach before.

I prepare for an artistic session thorough research, Internet, library, and conversations with the people around me. I write down all my ideas, I experiment with my ideas, I look at what other artists have done, I write lists, list of things to do, lists of things that I’ve always wanted to do, have or make, tons of lists., I read books, I go for walks, I meet new people, I consciously interact with my environment more. All of this takes a great deal of time. My life is a preparation for artistic sessions.

I use the materials that I do, which is basically everything except oil paints, because I like experimenting with a variety of media. The reason why I prefer media that is dry as opposed to paint that does not dry for a very long time is because I like to have the option of being either subtractive or additive, and its easier with dry media, as well as the fact that I like to work under pressure and that doesn’t happen when your medium is too slow.

Right now, the most technically challenging medium I have tried to use is machinery. I am at a severe disadvantage when it comes to figuring out gears and mech. Engineering type things like that.

My shapes are something I have been working on for about a year now, I am trying to understand who I am through my artwork, I have a goal of being able to mathematically identify my mind’s system of mark making, or rather patternmaking through the randomness of my shape art.

Things I make:
Books, pattern-shapes (2d), jewelry, clothing,

Who am i?
Ashley Simone Marchetti-Burton
Grew up in potowomut, East Greenwich RI, on the water
Horses, trees, water (beaches), meadows, all influence my art

What do I do?
I do 2d and 3d work. I like to work in a series because I like to research in depth, and analyze through many different media and/or concepts, I like to work medium sized, its more ergonomic for me, I like it to be displayed where you can’t miss it. Somewhere where you work and will be interacting with it. (Near doors, in your hand, watching it move, etc.)

I make art in my room/studio
My environment impacts my art, as far as memories and how I perceive my world. I make art at all times of the day. I like to work in the morning. Pieces usually take me a month.

Important messages to communicate:

Even though you are ignorant about your world, at least try to care, thinking that it’s ok to not give a crap is so much worse than at least trying understand your world.

Be who you are, because who you are is who you need to be in order to be happy, and happiness is the key to everything.

Understand that you are disposable and vital. Physically we are frail beings with highly complex and delicate systems, but in the war against machines, humans will always prevail because we can love and have compassion. Those things are too powerful to be reproduced or stopped.

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