Thursday, January 25, 2007

project for portfolio and discussion

The progress that we made in our discussion of our ICA trip inspirations and the work that the visit inspired us to do, was great in seeing where everyone is coming from, what types of work that they like to do, what motivates them. My inspiration was Julie Mehretu's Dispersion piece. I liked the combination of man made marks with the visual data that she transferred into a markage with software programs, either Auto Cad or Adobe Illustrator, I found it to be exciting in our new age of technology. This age is becoming more and more a development into new realities and seeing new dimentia. It is important to never deny this development as people often do, its important to also make sure that the personality of the human touch is not lost either. I think that this piece makes that profound statement. My proect so far is to try and discover my identity within this new technological era, there is a copy of my identity somewhere in the world that i have never known about, that i never gave authorization to create. I want to discover that identity and reveal its individual marks, the patterns within the data (through the use of data mining), that make that identity mine, and no one elses. I also don't have the intention of letting my unknown identity float away with time, I intend to capure it back for myself, i intend to touch it with my human hands, to personalize it. Then, it will become a part of me again, one that I know and understand and can hopefully come to terms with.

This process will require me to learn much about new software programs, like illustrator to create vector graphics, and SQL Server 2005 to data mine the information. It will also be very difficult to find all of that information, all of the information that private marketing firms and the government has on me.